Posted in Flesh & Spirit

Prophetic Word: Enemy of the Cross – the Flesh

There is an enemy of the Cross of Christ ever present among you.  It watches and lurks waiting where it may take advantage of your lives and circumstances.  This enemy is not something obscure and ugly in its presentation.  It is not even repulsive for most.  This enemy of the Cross has even become friends with those who believe in the Lord of the Cross.  As in any war, the tactic of the enemy is to invade from within.  His mission is to be given a place – in you.  The devil has nothing in Me and I overcame him.  Since I have overcome – you too must overcome.  I laid down My life and this is the message of the cross that many find hard and even offensive.  It is not offensive for Me to go to the cross but it is when you must go.  Your well-being and safety depend on you following Me to the cross.  You must go the way I have gone.  Unless you forsake – your life, you will never know Abundant Life.  Not only this but you will be snared and captured by the enemy who seeks to destroy you.  Be not deceived, the enemy can enter– a believer’s life through the door of his fleshly lusts.  If your Christianity is hinged upon your emotions be warned, this is one of the doors the enemy enters by.  The man or woman of God is to be diligent in their work.  What is this work?  To crucify yourself.  Then, I can do My work in you so you may overcome as I have overcome.  You will produce a harvest of fruit as you flow in My Spirit.  But be assured, when you are in the flesh you will produce much – dead works even if it is My name.   The enemy is full of knowledge in the scriptures more than any scholar.  Do not think that since a man knows scriptures he is Mine or devoted to Me.  The man who is full of himself – and not Me will not be led by My Spirit no matter how much he knows and quotes the scriptures.

When I am in a man or a woman who obeys Me there is no need to fear the enemy.  You will hear Me and I will direct you even if you live with the enemy or work with him in your jobs and careers.  But know and understand you must always be in your garments I give.  You must BE what I give to you to wear.  For you to BE you must lay down – or live crucified so you may put on Me and who I AM.  Make no mistake, the enemy takes out many who live in ignorance and self-prescribed bliss.   I say be sober and never let down your guard.  You must understand and take to heart that you are in a battle and are a warrior and the only way you will overcome is by Me.  I cannot have power in anyone who refuses to get themselves out of the way.  

Do not be deceived like many who with their great and swelling prayers – who call down spirits and command in My name – this is NOT WARFARE I call you to.  Your fight is to live not according to your flesh, your past, or for fear of the future.  Your fight is to live by faith in My Spirit you can put My garments on.  Then, your prayers will be effective, and will accomplish much this is what it means to pray in the Spirit.  Do not let your flesh enter your prayers, for they will not reach the heavens.  It is I who battles in the heavens and who brings down the strongholds of demons.  I do not send out those who are Mine to fight such battles!  I call those who are Mine to walk in My steps and do as I say.  As you are obedient to My Word, you are safe among the war that rages.  Even if I call you to die – as others have – you will be given the power and strength to overcome even death.  Death has no sting – and is only the door into everlasting life.  Do not fear losing your life for you certainly will!  But instead fear Me and My Word so you may gain Life.  Many are among you who while they live here on earth know nothing of Life at all.  They fear death.  Do not fear death.  Begin to defy death, if this is you, by crucifying yourself.  The more you die, the more you will find My Life and live! The enemy is like the lion who has a keen sense of smell.  When anyone lives in their flesh and lusts, you will smell of its decay and will be like a beacon to the enemy of your soul.   My blood washes the stench of sin.  Daily, walk with Me to learn My ways and who I AM.  Seek the light and walk away from the darkness.  I show you the dark that still is in you.  Acknowledge what I show you, by confessing it as sin.  Receive My blood to wash it away.  Turn from it, and continue walking in My light.  If you refuse to turn from the darkness, you have just invited the enemy for supper to which you are his meal.  You have been warned. 

Daily Walk with Jesus

The messages the Lord gives us seem to be repetitive. I do not think this is without due reason. It is a spiritual concept that many of us have not taken to heart to the degree it deserves. In fact, all of us should be sharpened in the sober reality that we are walking bait if we are not careful!

Phil 3:17-19  James 4:4  2 Cor 11:13-15  Ephes 4:26-27  John 14:30  John 16:33  1 Cor 1:18-19  Matt 10:38  Romans 6  Romans 8:14  1 John 4:18  2 Tim 1:7  Phil 4:6 Prov 14:27  Gal 2:20  1 Pet 5:8  Ephes 5:10-16  Rom 13:4 1 John 1:5-10 Rev 12:11

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Gal 5:16-26


My passion is Jesus. My desire is to share Him with others. My prayer is that He is glorified.

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